I apologize... this post is going to be fairly short and quick. Today we learned about our proposals for the group research projects that we will be doing for the remaining week that we have at the Soltis Center. We learned about the whole proposal process this morning (a proposal is basically a paper to convince people that your research project is a good one to participate in) and our proposals were due tonight!!! I've never written one before, hence the reason that I just now finished it at 2 in the morning, but I know that they take longer than one day to write them. Needless to say, everyone was super stressed out all day today but we all managed to throw something together to turn it. They're not going to be that great... but hey we finised. The idea that I wrote about for my proposal is to measure the soil moisture content/gradient of soil around a fern to see whether there is more moisture right at the stem of the plant, or whether there is more moisture in the soil a ways away from the plant. There were a few more variables, but that's the summary of mine. We'll see tomorrow if anyone votes for mine for one of the groups to research!
In between that, 7 of us went on a hike in one of the rivers that runs on the property! Two of the people wanted to use the river for their proposals, so Dr. Quiring (everyone is starting to call him DQ which has been pretty humorous) took a few of us to go check it out. My project obviously had nothing to do with the river, but I wanted to go on an adventure... so I did just that! We all wore rain boots since we knew that we would be getting soaked, but before we started on our hike, we had a little fun. I had my rubber boots on and I was laying on my stomach on the tile floor in the main/living area of the Center. I wasn't even thinking about striking a pose, but I was laying with my knees bent and my feet in the air and I had my chin rested on my hand, so it looked like I was modeling. Someone took a picture of me laying like that with my boots, and that started a chain of events with all of us guys that had the boots on. We ended up all doing different poses to make a "calendar", and even DQ posed with his boots and his walking stick! I don't have the pictures of it yet, but they will come soon. The hike in the river was so much fun. We all tried to stay on the rocks or in the shallow water so that we wouldn't get wet, but by the end we were wading in water that was a little less than waist deep. Trey (one of my roommates) ended up falling 3 times and landed straight on his butt every single time. Thankfully he didn't get hurt, but all of us were cracking up.
A couple last quick facts for the day:
1. WE DIDN'T HAVE RICE OR BEANS WITH DINNER!!!!!!!! First time since we've been here that that has happened.
2. We saw a cockroach that was probably about 4 or 5 inches long
3. The number of bugs here still amazes me
4. I am going to sleep now. Byeeeeeeeee!
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