Can it please be Thursday morning already?! These projects are getting so annoying. All that we did today was work on our project, go to class, make graphs for our project, go to class, work on our project... oh and write the paper for our project. ALL DAY LONG. A few days ago, I thought that designing our own project would be really fun, and it was then! But now that we've been doing about a months worth of work in the last few days, me (and the rest of the students) are all sick and tired of it. Today everyone was pretty much going insane. There were periods where people were tired this morning, angry this afternoon because things weren't working out right or data was getting messed up, and then tonight everyone was so delirious from writing and working for so long that nobody could focus anymore and everyone was giggling at everything.
Me coming in hot on the zipline! |
I feel bad for Shelly and Trey, my other two partners. They are getting to experience my terrible writing skills first hand, and you can only imagine how bad I was writing at 10:00 tonight after working all day long. When they read over the few paragraphs that I was supposed to write, they busted out laughing because some of my sentences made me sense at all. I guess it was good because it gave us all a good laugh to end the day which was exactly what we needed. We finished the rough draft of our paper today though which is great. Now we just have to survive one more long day tomorrow of revising everything, making sure it is all perfect, and practicing our presentations for Thursday morning. I'm going to be SO GLAD when this project is done with.
The 3 of us that got cool colorful hats... at the hot springs |
Other than that, I've really been missing American food lately. I would give anything (well... almost anything) to have a cheeseburger even just a pb&j. Yes I can still buy them here, but since we've been in the rainforest we haven't had too many opportunities to go out and get food. Don't get me wrong the food at the Center isn't bad, I'm just getting so tired of it. I've noticed that I eat less and less of the rice and beans everyday. We all still get a kick out of how they "recycle" the food here. This morning we found spaghetti noodles in our omlettes (we had spaghetti last night...) and we are starting to find plenty of other similar foods used meal after meal. Hey I'm glad they aren't wasting the food at least!
Another random thing that I don't think I've wrote about yet... there are so many dogs in Costa! I'm not sure if they are people's pets or what, but everywhere we go there are always so many dogs just roaming around. The weird thing is that the dogs don't look too dirty/skinny/ugly like the stray dogs in Texas do. These dogs look like they are pretty well off! They are all really friendly too. I'm sure they can tell that we are tourists because they always come up to us and walk with us around because they know that someone will pet them or give them food. All of the natives just go about their day, so I guess the dogs are more like "community dogs" and just roam around wherever they want!
It's been weird getting adjusted to the other students/professors being here. The lines to eat are so much longer and we have to share the common area with them. It wasn't too bad today because they are doing a lot of field research, but after having the whole Center to ourselves for over a week it is different... but nice... to see new faces walking around. It made me feel like I was in WCL (West Campus Library) today though because so many people were walking around when we were writing our papers and it was so loud, just like WCL always is.
Sitting under a waterfall that was hotter than 100 degrees! |
I've got a long day ahead of me tomorrow! I'm sure I'll rely on my music to get through a lot of it. Today was filled with the band Passion Pit... who knows what tomorrow's band will be that keeps me dancing and in a positive mood!
Goodnight world :)
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